LED LoupeLight and LED MicroLight

Precision multiple lens optical system consisting of four high-quality lenses. Completely homogeneous illumination of the whole field of view and a clearly defined light spot.    

HEINE LED Precision multiple lens optical system

Conventional System [01]

HEINE LED Comparison of homogeneity

      [01]                     [02]

Comparison of homogeneity

HEINE Precision 4-Lens System

HEINE Precision 4-Lens System [02]

ML4 LED HeadLight

Coaxial illumination. Coaxial design ensures a completely shadow-freeimage and allows for excellent illumination of difficult to see areas.Optional filters.

HEINE LED Coaxial illumination

      [01]                [02]

Comparison of homogeneity


[01] Competitor product               

[02] HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight